Temporary Dental Fillings in Dunedin, Florida

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At Smile Builders Pediatric Dentistry, we like providing our young patients with conservative yet effective care. When a tooth has extreme tooth decay that is approaching the pulp of the tooth, our dentist and team may recommend that your child get a temporary filling. This treatment is a unique method that essentially helps heal your child’s damaged tooth. If you are interested in learning more about helping your child get a temporary dental filling in Dunedin, Florida, call 727-285-8184. Dr. Robyn Lesser can help you determine if this treatment is right for your needs.

A temporary filling, also called a sedative filling or pulp cap, is a restoration that is used when decay is approaching the tooth pulp but hasn’t caused damage to the pulp. In this restoration, our team will drill the cavity to remove decay, the same way we would for a traditional dental filling. We will then clean the area and coat it with a medicated, sedative material. Our team will then place a temporary filling over the medicated material. The temporary filling strengthens the tooth and allows your child to eat and speak normally.

If the tooth becomes inflamed or infected with the sedative filling, it serves as an indication that the medication did not work, and the tooth will require a pulpotomy or root canal treatment to restore it. If the tooth loses its symptoms or becomes only mildly sensitive after the sedative filling, this is indicative that the medication has solved the problem. If the tooth is seen to make improvement, we will place a permanent dental filling about one month after the sedative filling is placed.

In the month between getting the temporary and permanent dental filling, the medicated material helps the tooth heal itself, creating new, healthy dentin. If you are interested in this treatment, call our office to speak with a member of our experienced team.

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